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A bloody collaboration

Foto del escritor: TeddyTeddy

At Teddy's Head Games, we often ask ourselves: how can we create a unique experience that will captivate and entertain? It should come as no surprise that we jumped at the chance to team up with Mazzucato International to create a unique experience that combines reading and wine.

This project combines Tenebris Vinum with wine through unique packaging and chilling labels. This way you can live your adventure while sipping a glass of wine specifically chosen to elevate your experience.

Have we caught your attention and do you want to know more about this project? Know that you can read a free article dedicated to Tenebris Vinum in our Teddy Magazine n°2. What are you waiting for, it's FREE!

Also a breathtaking trailer and much more information are present on the page that Mazzucato International has dedicated to this project. Just click here to visit their page and enjoy the video.

We surprised you, right? Know that soon there will be many other interesting news on this and other projects. So keep following us on our website and social pages!

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